
A Short, Short Contest from Writers Write

Are you up to a 12-word challenge from Writers Write in South Africa? Here’s the scenario:

The Date is 5th November 3011.

You have just arrived on Planet Moana.

The first thing you are required to do is to send an Inter-Galactogram, to your commander.

Warp speed has been a problem ever since the Great Intergalactic Wars of 2991.

You are only allowed to send 12 words before the entire system freezes.

What do you say?

Send your 12 words to amanda   @ and you could win a case of Leopards Leap Wine.


Only one entry per subscriber (To subscribe, send your name, email address, contact numbers and city of residence with your entry)

If you write more than 12 words, your entry will be discarded.

The competition closes on 25 January 2010, and the judge’s decision is final.


You may visit the Writers Write website at Be sure to sign up for their interesting newsletter.